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sb 497 equal Pay & Anti-retaliation act


“I am a car wash worker with 35 years of experience, and I have witnessed firsthand many injustices in the car wash industry. I work long days in the sun. Workers like me are more
prone to heat-related illnesses and injuries. My colleagues and I have had to advocate for better protections
often ignored by our employers.


One day, I decided to speak out against the violations with the help of CLEAN Carwash. The Labor
Commissioner investigated my workplace. The investigation uncovered all the wage violations
at my car wash. I was subject to retaliation for encouraging my co-workers to speak with the
investigators. My employer reduced my hours and relocated me to a car wash further from home. The
reduction in my hours affected my
ability to pay bills.


Many co-workers shared with me that they would rather be mistreated because they didn’t want to lose their
paychecks. California can help increase worker confidence to speak out about workplace issues. A policy where employers must show justifiable reason to fire workers
like me would protect workers from unfair dismissal.”

SB497 Will Protect Workers Who
Speak Up for Fair Workplaces

Every day in California hundreds of thousands of workers experience wage theft, harassment, and abuse. Every worker is entitled to safety and dignity on the job. Today, bosses get away with retaliation because they have the power to bully and silence workers for demanding fairness and respect. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Supporting the Equal Pay and Anti-Retaliation Act (SB497) will provide California workers stronger protections if they file complaints. We can change the gross imbalance of power and reduce workplace abuse.

Anselmo Leyva

Carwash Worker

CLEAN Carwash Member

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